Sunday, January 31, 2016


Dear Banksy,

I am a fifteen year old girl finding my way in the resort town of Park City, Utah, with plans to leave next year for an east coast boarding school.  My passions include art of all mediums and photography.  You happen to be one of my idols. It would be amazing if you read and enjoyed my blog. Right now my posts are mostly random thoughts put into words but I plan to write more about my life experiences and emotions that fuel the creativity to produce the pieces of art I design in a more organized fashion. It is my plan to not only write about my artwork but to also incorporate the artists I look up to and that influence my own personal style. Although your identity is unknown, you reading what I have written would be a dream come true.
Courtesy of me

I admire your work because I think that satirical street art used to convey political views is quite original. Your use of graffiti and dark humor enable and introduce the average person to enjoy the art scene through a non traditional path. The fact that you don't sell any reproductions of the pieces you have executed on the street wall and display your art on visible public areas is the true meaning of authenticity. It is art for the masses. Your decision to use stencils to make your art easier to produce turned the art world on its ear when most gallery owners prefer bold techniques or difficult mediums to work with. Your anti establishment, anti war and anti- capitalist messages have inspired some people and agitated others. In 2013, Michael Bloomberg referred to you as a vandal and that your art wasn't art at all.  I find it hilarious that he was propelled to send his anti vandalism squad around Gotham to capture your art.

Courtesy of Stencil Revolution
It is a shame that some people are trying to capitalize on your art.  How pieces are being removed from buildings in England and being sold in art galleries in Miami is theft.  If only my creations can wreak such havoc with peoples emotions and cause Politics to rip over themselves. I hope that if you read this it will leave you wanting to come back and read more. By reading more you will you learn how art is perceived through the eyes of a high school student. You will also have a better understanding of a girls perspective on the artwork that is strung around the world in different cities for everyone to see.

Lastly, I hope that if you are out there and reading this you will come back and read more of what I have to say.

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