Sunday, January 31, 2016

wake up

I would like to apologize in advance for another post on the more sad and realistic side of things. If you have been reading my blog I recently wrote a post called "This Ones For You." If you haven't read it, it's about my friend who is in a coma and how bad things happen to good people. Well, he still hasn't woken up yet and everyday new injuries and problems are found which makes it a little harder for him to keep fighting. Now it has just become a waiting game until he wakes up. For me, I think Benny waking up would be a miracle. That's just it though not everyone gets a miracle but we all have to wake up at some point.

Benny :) (courtesy of me) 
If you just take a minute and sit back and watch the people around you, no one stops. Everyone just keeps going and pushing without taking a breathe and noticing their surroundings. When something traumatic happens in someones life, then they stop. The point of me talking about taking the time to notice is because we all need to wake up. We need to wake up to reality before it catches up with us. Yes, I realize we are still young and don't have a lot to worry about but either way something will happen. So, let's wake up now and take action instead of being part of the movement because life is worth living.

I don't really have a valid reason to be annoyed with subject but I am. I bet more than half the people I know or have ever met think that there is only one meaning of waking up. They think that it means an act or instance of waking up. Yes, if you look it up that is the definition that will appear but whatever I made a different definition.

As I was finishing writing this I received a call and Benny woke up!! It's amazing that he woke up but I do know that it is going to a long and hard road ahead of him. We are all so lucky to be healthy and have the sense and opportunities to change. So, in conclusion, I think that it is so important to realize what needs to be done and take care of the people around you. As of right now this may not make the most sense but in the end waking up to reality is something that is better to do now than have it happen because something bad happens to someone you love.

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