Sunday, January 31, 2016

New Year, New me

HAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING. I just hate it when people say that so I thought I should. I think it is dumb when people have these crazy New Years Resolutions that are so out of reach. People make resolutions that they know that they will never accomplish so there is pretty much no point in making them. This is me "My New Years Resolution for 2016 is to accomplish the one I set in 2015, made in 2014, and thought of in 2013."  That quote right there is almost definitely going to keep going until the day I die.

People never follow through on there New Years Resolution because they have to many small goals to accomplish and their mind is scattered and nothing gets done. Making one big goal may work but there is really no reason to make one. Having one main goal every year to reach is something that all of us do but we don't realize. Everyone accomplishes something each year wether it something small like getting good grades or something big like getting into collage. Yes I understand we all have something that we want to change or do during the new year and so do I. I can't lie though I have have thought of nothing to do....yet. With that, I decided that January is just my trial month for the new year and February is when I will start to make changes.

Eating healthy, getting good grades, and being able to go on vacation are many of the New Years Resolutions people have made this year. In my mind I don't really see those as resolutions because you have to work for them. This is the main reason that I don't see a point. If your really hard and strive for something than you will receive what you want. You get what you give. Nothing good will come out of something if you don't put any effort into it.

I just am very annoyed with the way people start of the New Year and make up things as they go along. Yes, this was a rant about nothing important and could probably be listed in the top ten on my list of pet peeves. Lastly I just want to say don't make a New Year resolution, all you need to to is work hard and put a little bit of effort into everything that you do.