Sunday, March 20, 2016

East Coast

I belong at the beach is a fraise I use a lot, and it is true. My heart, mind, and body belong at the beach and in the water. Not here in a landlocked state we know as Utah. Everyone in my family either grew up on the east coast or is still living there. Since we go back to visit all of the time I have gotten very used to the lifestyle and I've decided it is where I should be. Anyways, I have developed a list of my top three best experiences back east.

1. The Keys
Ever since I was little I had been going to Florida but I don't remember any of these trips except one. I think I was around ten when we went to Islamorada in the Florida Keys. The house we stayed in was in town and had its own private beach with a hot tub and pool. Every day we would hit the water and go fishing which happens to be one of my favorite things to do. I even caught a fish that no one could figure out what it was. It was small and brown with white spots, I was pretty proud of myself.

2. A Delaware Birthday
For my moms 40th birthday my family met two other families and a couple of friends in Delaware, where my mom grew up. As a huge group we decided it would be best to rent one if the biggest house we could find on the beach in Rehoboth. It was not only a huge party the day of her birthday but the whole two weeks we were there it was a giant celebration. Every single day we did something new. I think my favorite part of the entire trip was when we bought around a hundred glow sticks, cracked them open and swam in the ocean while we were glowing. Even though that is super dumb, it was so much fun. That wasn't the only good time but I also decided sleeping in a closet would be super cool. That sounds a little weird, but I pulled a bunk bed, a mini fridge, and a small tv into a walk in closet and slept there. It's a little weird but I was eleven so it makes up for it.

3. North Carolina
This last September my family and I headed to North Carolina where my dad grew up. I was super excited to go being that I have never been to Carolina and it is my real name. At first I was super skeptical of the whole place but after awhile I began to love it. I fell in love with the lifestyle. It is super easy going and fun. I could definitely get used to driving the boat for thirty minutes just to pick up fresh shrimp and crabs to eat for dinner every night. Not only did driving the boat and picking crabs make me happy but every night we would meet up with family friends and eat together. Something about being with the people I love makes me love a place even more. I can't wait to go back again.

Nagshead NC courtesy Clancy and Theys 

Although those are great memories the three examples I gave don't even begin to explain my love for the beach. I could probably make a list that goes on and on but

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