Sunday, March 20, 2016


There is something about the word goodbye that makes it sound so final. Even if it is just temporary the sound of it makes it seem like you will never see the person or place your are saying bye to again. Farewell, adios, so long, and see you are much better options but it still feels like the end of something. I just don't like to say bye. Anyways, the point of this post is because I am heading off to boarding school after this current school year is complete. There are a lot of people and things that I will be leaving behind when I go but it isn't final. Well, to get to the point this post is about my feelings towards leaving to Virginia.

Park City Lyfe courtesy of me 
I think that going to a boarding school and getting away from everything and everyone here will be a good thing. So many things happen here is Park City and it is hard to escape the bad because it is almost as if we are living in a bubble. I'm not saying that Park City is a bad place because it isn't, I love it here, I just need a break. I know that being in Virginia will broaden my horizons and introduce me to new things, here I'm just not as sure. That right there is the main reason I am going.

Yes, of course I am scared to leave and be off on my own. It just makes it a little easier for me knowing that I can always come back here and feel a home. There are so many good people here and
strong friendships that I have here that let me know it will be okay. Even though I have my doubts and it will be hard I am going to go either way. Adding to that I wouldn't necessarily say that I am going to miss Park City in general but I will miss the little things and the people. Actually scratch that, I will definitely miss the people the most. I know for a fact that the hardest part of the whole boarding school thing is leaving my family and friends behind. Although I will be back in Park City all the time it will still suck. I am just super stoked that I know for sure I have so many good things to come back to.

This post is a little unorganized and hard to follow but I don;t know any other way to put it. In the end I am half excited and half not but I will be going either way and will need all of the support that I can get if I am going to make it. I know this post is a little personal and out of nowhere but I needed to get it out one way or another.

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