Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fake vs Real

Me and my amiga. Courtesy of someone 

Your age, race, height or sex doesn't matter when it comes to talking about the meaning of true friends. Being able to tell the difference between real and fake friends is way harder than it seems because.. people can really suck. There is no other way to put it except, people suck and are difficult. Through all of the rough times of finding, loosing, and making new friends the ones that stay by your side are the ones that you want to keep and never let go of. Let's be real, without my good friends I probably wouldn't be where I am. 

If you're like me all of your friends aren't from the same group and you float around and have a diverse group of friends. From personal experience that is the best way to go because there is less drama and if you loose a friend you still have more. The worst is when you loose one friend and the whole squad goes too. If you are left chilling by yourself because the squad left you then have learned that they are not real friends. Most of the time, if a friend doesn't stay by your side when s*%@ goes down then are insecure and need to go. 

Now that I think you get the picture and understand the point that I am trying to get across I think I can give some examples of a real and fake friend situation. Here is an example of a fake friend. When you stayed out too late and you mom is mad at both of you and asks “Why are you late?!” and your friend throws you under the bus. Another example of a fake friend is when something bad happens in your life and you need help and they aren’t there for you. You know right then and there that are not worth your time. Fake friends can’t be themselves around you and make you feel awkward. 

Moving on to the friends that matter which are the real ones. Real friends are the ones who stay by your side and are always a phone call away when you need them. True friends will make you laugh so hard that you stomach hurts and you think a six pack is going to appear. These friends are the ones who make you genuinely happy and smile even when you don’t think it is possible. You know that they are fake if their missing one of these traits. 

Yes, some of what I said may not be completely accurate but knowing your real friends and the fake ones is pretty important. Telling the difference can sometimes be hard but if you figure out your real friends now it will be better for everyone in the long run. 

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