Sunday, November 22, 2015

This One is for You

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If you are a frequent reader on my blog this post is a little different. Everything I have written about is a little wacky and random so this is a warning. Before you start to read this is on a more serious note. In everyones lifetime, lives are lost and people get hurt when you least expect it. Life is like a mixed bag and we all get some good and we all get some bad. We can’t control what happens in life or everything would be perfect. That fact just is that nothing is perfect in life, there is only perfect moments.

Recently one of my friends that I have known for a long time was in an accident. He was hit by a car while on his motorcycle and is currently in a coma. When something like this comes up, so much goes through your mind. It’s hard to concentrate. So many questions are asked and the rush of it all really gets you thinking. Through everything that is happening the question asked the most is “why?.” There is no right answer to this question and from what I know there never will be. Anyways the point I’m trying to get across is bad things happen to 
good people. 

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One thing that I have realized is that you can’t plan everything out because it won’t always go the way you expected and there will always be roadblocks to get over. There are no explanations or right or wrong answers to the game of life and the reality of things is tough. It just doesn’t make sense how good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. The world is confusing. Everyone says life gives you lemons and what you do with them is up to you. I guess that means taking what is handed to you and making something better out of it is something that makes you stronger. Being able to take from what has happened and carry with you is a trait you need when something happens like this. There is never going to be an explanation as to why good people get hurt. No matter how hard it is to get over the question why, it is something we have to get past in order to move on. 

In conclusion, there is no explanation. No matter how good of a person you are, at least one bad thing will happen in your life. I hate to be the one to break this to everyone but there is no other way to explain it. It is so important to know this now rather than later. I know that this post was on a way deeper side of things but it means a lot to me to be able to write about this. I promise that from here on out my post will be a lot happier and if you have any ideas for a post you would enjoy reading please comment them. 

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