Sunday, November 22, 2015


I have decided from now on I will be doing a monthly post about something relatable in every teenage girls life. This months topic is boys. In order for you to finish reading this blog you first need to know that boys are very very dumb and nothing is going to ever change. From a personal point of view boys are good friends and family but suck at being anything else. All they want to do is get some and score. (uh, yeah dog, score duh) If this is already confusing you it's time to get into the mind of a boy.

Tip number one: The hot ones are the worst ones.
They stand there and look gorgeous and make you want them, and then they open their mouths. They seem interested and drag along until a better option comes. Once they jump on that, they be peacin'. Usually the ones on the more attractive side stick together, because of squad goals. They like being looked upon as cool, and part of that thug life. This group of boys are for admiring and nothing more. On a more serious note just have fun and don't get sucked in and get your feelings hurt. One last thing, if he is ginger he isn't part of this category.

The Squad. Courtesy of tvguide

Tip number two: They aren't in charge.
You are the one in charge. You are the queen, let them bow down to you. They are the ones that are supposed to get on their knees and beg (I don't mean that sexually). Don't let them take advantage of you because they aren't worth it, there will always be more fish in the sea for you until the right one swims on up. Let them come to you, being desperate isn't attractive. Boys want a girl that they can chase after.

Tip number three: I don't have a tip.
Although this entire post was about how much boys suck, how rude they can be, and the reasons behind it, they can be pretty cool sometimes. Yes, they drive you crazy and push your buttons but they are worth having in your life. Making you smile, laugh, cry, and get mad are all things boys are capable of so keep them close, just not too close if you know what I mean. They point I am trying to get across is that they are very dumb but are nice to have around.

In conclusion I know that this post wan't the most meaningful but in my eyes I think it was important but in a funny way. If there are any boys reading this post I apologize sort of, but it at least gave some tips that may be helpful in life. Getting back to the point I hope that I made you laugh and explained some pretty valid points on the boys in high school.

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