Sunday, November 22, 2015

Call Me Grace

Of course getting hurt as much as I do my mother has decide "Grace" is my new name due to how graceful I am. You obviously haven’t met me if you don’t know that I am accident prone. I am the one person in a group of people that can’t even walk in a straight line. I tend to hurt myself somehow, someway on a daily basis. There are so many stories and examples that I could share but I am going to stick with the most basic and funniest things that have happened to me so far. Before I go into detail I first need to admit that one of my main problems is not being aware of my surroundings. One last thing I need to say is be prepared for the stupidity. Now that I have that off my chest I can now move on. 

Throwback to 4th grade:
From what I remember it was just the beginning or right after winter due to the snow and ice on the playground. Knowing my fourth grade self I was always trying to one up someone else and be the cool kid in school. For me that never really worked, it always ended badly. Getting back to the story… I was on the playground playing on the railing of the bouncy blue bridge covered in ice. I was there probably everyday during recess flipping around the railing like a boss. However this is a different story because the boys were there and I really don’t know what I was thinking. I made the final decision and flipped just like I had a million times before, except this time I slipped. This resulting in me slamming my face right into the bar. The lesson that I took from this is I look good with a shiner, it shows the real stud I was. 
Fell off that mailbox like a pro

Curbed it:
The sun is setting and we were waiting for everyone to get ready for dinner. I was chilling with all of the little children on the playground in the sand in California. After I was about to do the monkey bars again my mom yelled for everyone to come inside so we can go. Being my usual self I got over excited about getting food that I completely forgot about the curb. Ohhh the curb. In a full on sprint back to the house I trip over the curb and faceplate into the sidewalk. Since we were on the beach I wasn’t wearing shoes which made the whole thing so much better. I freaked out and decided to just lay there and cry until someone came and got me. One point for me, go team khakis. 

No date for this:
I can’t explain exactly the time, day, year, or who I was with when this took place because it has happened on multiple occasions. Both times that this has happened I was laughing super hard and needed to get to my bathroom. It starts off with me running from outside through the front door and trying to make it to the stairs without hurting myself. Then once I have made it halfway up the stairs and miss one. After missing it I aug at myself so hard I pee my pants. 

In conclusion I’m pretty sure you either think that I am either really dumb or funny. I could have most definitely came up with more great stories of things that have happened to me. I had a fun time writing this and I think that being accident prone is a good thing because it makes a lot of really great memories. 

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