Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fake vs Real

Me and my amiga. Courtesy of someone 

Your age, race, height or sex doesn't matter when it comes to talking about the meaning of true friends. Being able to tell the difference between real and fake friends is way harder than it seems because.. people can really suck. There is no other way to put it except, people suck and are difficult. Through all of the rough times of finding, loosing, and making new friends the ones that stay by your side are the ones that you want to keep and never let go of. Let's be real, without my good friends I probably wouldn't be where I am. 

If you're like me all of your friends aren't from the same group and you float around and have a diverse group of friends. From personal experience that is the best way to go because there is less drama and if you loose a friend you still have more. The worst is when you loose one friend and the whole squad goes too. If you are left chilling by yourself because the squad left you then have learned that they are not real friends. Most of the time, if a friend doesn't stay by your side when s*%@ goes down then are insecure and need to go. 

Now that I think you get the picture and understand the point that I am trying to get across I think I can give some examples of a real and fake friend situation. Here is an example of a fake friend. When you stayed out too late and you mom is mad at both of you and asks “Why are you late?!” and your friend throws you under the bus. Another example of a fake friend is when something bad happens in your life and you need help and they aren’t there for you. You know right then and there that are not worth your time. Fake friends can’t be themselves around you and make you feel awkward. 

Moving on to the friends that matter which are the real ones. Real friends are the ones who stay by your side and are always a phone call away when you need them. True friends will make you laugh so hard that you stomach hurts and you think a six pack is going to appear. These friends are the ones who make you genuinely happy and smile even when you don’t think it is possible. You know that they are fake if their missing one of these traits. 

Yes, some of what I said may not be completely accurate but knowing your real friends and the fake ones is pretty important. Telling the difference can sometimes be hard but if you figure out your real friends now it will be better for everyone in the long run. 

Call Me Grace

Of course getting hurt as much as I do my mother has decide "Grace" is my new name due to how graceful I am. You obviously haven’t met me if you don’t know that I am accident prone. I am the one person in a group of people that can’t even walk in a straight line. I tend to hurt myself somehow, someway on a daily basis. There are so many stories and examples that I could share but I am going to stick with the most basic and funniest things that have happened to me so far. Before I go into detail I first need to admit that one of my main problems is not being aware of my surroundings. One last thing I need to say is be prepared for the stupidity. Now that I have that off my chest I can now move on. 

Throwback to 4th grade:
From what I remember it was just the beginning or right after winter due to the snow and ice on the playground. Knowing my fourth grade self I was always trying to one up someone else and be the cool kid in school. For me that never really worked, it always ended badly. Getting back to the story… I was on the playground playing on the railing of the bouncy blue bridge covered in ice. I was there probably everyday during recess flipping around the railing like a boss. However this is a different story because the boys were there and I really don’t know what I was thinking. I made the final decision and flipped just like I had a million times before, except this time I slipped. This resulting in me slamming my face right into the bar. The lesson that I took from this is I look good with a shiner, it shows the real stud I was. 
Fell off that mailbox like a pro

Curbed it:
The sun is setting and we were waiting for everyone to get ready for dinner. I was chilling with all of the little children on the playground in the sand in California. After I was about to do the monkey bars again my mom yelled for everyone to come inside so we can go. Being my usual self I got over excited about getting food that I completely forgot about the curb. Ohhh the curb. In a full on sprint back to the house I trip over the curb and faceplate into the sidewalk. Since we were on the beach I wasn’t wearing shoes which made the whole thing so much better. I freaked out and decided to just lay there and cry until someone came and got me. One point for me, go team khakis. 

No date for this:
I can’t explain exactly the time, day, year, or who I was with when this took place because it has happened on multiple occasions. Both times that this has happened I was laughing super hard and needed to get to my bathroom. It starts off with me running from outside through the front door and trying to make it to the stairs without hurting myself. Then once I have made it halfway up the stairs and miss one. After missing it I aug at myself so hard I pee my pants. 

In conclusion I’m pretty sure you either think that I am either really dumb or funny. I could have most definitely came up with more great stories of things that have happened to me. I had a fun time writing this and I think that being accident prone is a good thing because it makes a lot of really great memories. 

This One is for You

Courtesy of Tumblr 
If you are a frequent reader on my blog this post is a little different. Everything I have written about is a little wacky and random so this is a warning. Before you start to read this is on a more serious note. In everyones lifetime, lives are lost and people get hurt when you least expect it. Life is like a mixed bag and we all get some good and we all get some bad. We can’t control what happens in life or everything would be perfect. That fact just is that nothing is perfect in life, there is only perfect moments.

Recently one of my friends that I have known for a long time was in an accident. He was hit by a car while on his motorcycle and is currently in a coma. When something like this comes up, so much goes through your mind. It’s hard to concentrate. So many questions are asked and the rush of it all really gets you thinking. Through everything that is happening the question asked the most is “why?.” There is no right answer to this question and from what I know there never will be. Anyways the point I’m trying to get across is bad things happen to 
good people. 

Courtesy of Tumblr
One thing that I have realized is that you can’t plan everything out because it won’t always go the way you expected and there will always be roadblocks to get over. There are no explanations or right or wrong answers to the game of life and the reality of things is tough. It just doesn’t make sense how good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. The world is confusing. Everyone says life gives you lemons and what you do with them is up to you. I guess that means taking what is handed to you and making something better out of it is something that makes you stronger. Being able to take from what has happened and carry with you is a trait you need when something happens like this. There is never going to be an explanation as to why good people get hurt. No matter how hard it is to get over the question why, it is something we have to get past in order to move on. 

In conclusion, there is no explanation. No matter how good of a person you are, at least one bad thing will happen in your life. I hate to be the one to break this to everyone but there is no other way to explain it. It is so important to know this now rather than later. I know that this post was on a way deeper side of things but it means a lot to me to be able to write about this. I promise that from here on out my post will be a lot happier and if you have any ideas for a post you would enjoy reading please comment them. 


I have decided from now on I will be doing a monthly post about something relatable in every teenage girls life. This months topic is boys. In order for you to finish reading this blog you first need to know that boys are very very dumb and nothing is going to ever change. From a personal point of view boys are good friends and family but suck at being anything else. All they want to do is get some and score. (uh, yeah dog, score duh) If this is already confusing you it's time to get into the mind of a boy.

Tip number one: The hot ones are the worst ones.
They stand there and look gorgeous and make you want them, and then they open their mouths. They seem interested and drag along until a better option comes. Once they jump on that, they be peacin'. Usually the ones on the more attractive side stick together, because of squad goals. They like being looked upon as cool, and part of that thug life. This group of boys are for admiring and nothing more. On a more serious note just have fun and don't get sucked in and get your feelings hurt. One last thing, if he is ginger he isn't part of this category.

The Squad. Courtesy of tvguide

Tip number two: They aren't in charge.
You are the one in charge. You are the queen, let them bow down to you. They are the ones that are supposed to get on their knees and beg (I don't mean that sexually). Don't let them take advantage of you because they aren't worth it, there will always be more fish in the sea for you until the right one swims on up. Let them come to you, being desperate isn't attractive. Boys want a girl that they can chase after.

Tip number three: I don't have a tip.
Although this entire post was about how much boys suck, how rude they can be, and the reasons behind it, they can be pretty cool sometimes. Yes, they drive you crazy and push your buttons but they are worth having in your life. Making you smile, laugh, cry, and get mad are all things boys are capable of so keep them close, just not too close if you know what I mean. They point I am trying to get across is that they are very dumb but are nice to have around.

In conclusion I know that this post wan't the most meaningful but in my eyes I think it was important but in a funny way. If there are any boys reading this post I apologize sort of, but it at least gave some tips that may be helpful in life. Getting back to the point I hope that I made you laugh and explained some pretty valid points on the boys in high school.