Sunday, March 20, 2016


There is something about the word goodbye that makes it sound so final. Even if it is just temporary the sound of it makes it seem like you will never see the person or place your are saying bye to again. Farewell, adios, so long, and see you are much better options but it still feels like the end of something. I just don't like to say bye. Anyways, the point of this post is because I am heading off to boarding school after this current school year is complete. There are a lot of people and things that I will be leaving behind when I go but it isn't final. Well, to get to the point this post is about my feelings towards leaving to Virginia.

Park City Lyfe courtesy of me 
I think that going to a boarding school and getting away from everything and everyone here will be a good thing. So many things happen here is Park City and it is hard to escape the bad because it is almost as if we are living in a bubble. I'm not saying that Park City is a bad place because it isn't, I love it here, I just need a break. I know that being in Virginia will broaden my horizons and introduce me to new things, here I'm just not as sure. That right there is the main reason I am going.

Yes, of course I am scared to leave and be off on my own. It just makes it a little easier for me knowing that I can always come back here and feel a home. There are so many good people here and
strong friendships that I have here that let me know it will be okay. Even though I have my doubts and it will be hard I am going to go either way. Adding to that I wouldn't necessarily say that I am going to miss Park City in general but I will miss the little things and the people. Actually scratch that, I will definitely miss the people the most. I know for a fact that the hardest part of the whole boarding school thing is leaving my family and friends behind. Although I will be back in Park City all the time it will still suck. I am just super stoked that I know for sure I have so many good things to come back to.

This post is a little unorganized and hard to follow but I don;t know any other way to put it. In the end I am half excited and half not but I will be going either way and will need all of the support that I can get if I am going to make it. I know this post is a little personal and out of nowhere but I needed to get it out one way or another.

spring break

It doesn't matter if you are going somewhere exotic or staying home but spring break is always exciting. I don't know if it is so great just because it is a reminder school is almost over or just because it is a break but either way it gets me pumped.

The past couple of years spring break has had a rotation of going somewhere or staying home. Every single year it has been fun for me, even if I spend it in bed with food and Netflix while everyone else is off partying. Anyways, I am super excited for the spring that is coming up in two weeks. I get to go back to Islamorada in the Florida Keys. If this is your first time reading my blog then you don't know that the Keys are probably my favorite place to vacation. I can't quite put my finger on one exact reason that I like it so much but I am a little obsessed. Even just thinking and talking about it makes me want to be there so much more.

This year I am going with my family and we are meeting another family there. We are renting a huge house with them that has a pool, hot tub, and a path from the pool that leads to the private beach. I don't think I have ever been more anxious in my entire life to get to a place. I have been counting down the days until I am in the water and fishing. I have already decided that I can't leave without fishing, driving a boat, eating fresh shrimp and coconuts, and seeing the endangered turtles.

Last trip to Florida we went to the Aquarium. Ever since we wen
Courtesy of Drop Back Charters 
t I have had a weird obsession, most likely because it is nothing like the one we have in here in the great state of Utah. It is insane. In the floor is a giant swimming pool for turtles that have been hurt. Also there are a ton of cats running around the place which I think is pretty legit because I love cats. There are also some pretty cool parrots that enjoy yelling in Spanish, which I personally think is really entertaining. On the other hand here in Utah we have a no touch policy and everything is clean. For me I like a little chaos and can not wait to get there.

Well, anyways you can probably tell that I am super stoked to go on this trip and have another sick spring break. Just on another note I really do think that they should have a spring break appreciation day because of how much I love it.

East Coast

I belong at the beach is a fraise I use a lot, and it is true. My heart, mind, and body belong at the beach and in the water. Not here in a landlocked state we know as Utah. Everyone in my family either grew up on the east coast or is still living there. Since we go back to visit all of the time I have gotten very used to the lifestyle and I've decided it is where I should be. Anyways, I have developed a list of my top three best experiences back east.

1. The Keys
Ever since I was little I had been going to Florida but I don't remember any of these trips except one. I think I was around ten when we went to Islamorada in the Florida Keys. The house we stayed in was in town and had its own private beach with a hot tub and pool. Every day we would hit the water and go fishing which happens to be one of my favorite things to do. I even caught a fish that no one could figure out what it was. It was small and brown with white spots, I was pretty proud of myself.

2. A Delaware Birthday
For my moms 40th birthday my family met two other families and a couple of friends in Delaware, where my mom grew up. As a huge group we decided it would be best to rent one if the biggest house we could find on the beach in Rehoboth. It was not only a huge party the day of her birthday but the whole two weeks we were there it was a giant celebration. Every single day we did something new. I think my favorite part of the entire trip was when we bought around a hundred glow sticks, cracked them open and swam in the ocean while we were glowing. Even though that is super dumb, it was so much fun. That wasn't the only good time but I also decided sleeping in a closet would be super cool. That sounds a little weird, but I pulled a bunk bed, a mini fridge, and a small tv into a walk in closet and slept there. It's a little weird but I was eleven so it makes up for it.

3. North Carolina
This last September my family and I headed to North Carolina where my dad grew up. I was super excited to go being that I have never been to Carolina and it is my real name. At first I was super skeptical of the whole place but after awhile I began to love it. I fell in love with the lifestyle. It is super easy going and fun. I could definitely get used to driving the boat for thirty minutes just to pick up fresh shrimp and crabs to eat for dinner every night. Not only did driving the boat and picking crabs make me happy but every night we would meet up with family friends and eat together. Something about being with the people I love makes me love a place even more. I can't wait to go back again.

Nagshead NC courtesy Clancy and Theys 

Although those are great memories the three examples I gave don't even begin to explain my love for the beach. I could probably make a list that goes on and on but