Friday, May 13, 2016

Death by Ramen

Before I get into what I really am here to talk about let me just say how much I love ramen. For me I could care less how processed and unhealthy it is because it is a necessity. I don't know how it is made or what is in it and nor do I really want to know but it's pretty great in general. If you are hungry, eat some ramen. If you are sad, eat some ramen. If you are sick, eat some ramen. There is never a time to not eat it. Ramen is comforting and needs to be present in my life, at all times.

On another note let's get down to business. Every single person I know is attached to their phone and probably wouldn't go anywhere without it, unless your swimming of course. I am even guilty of constantly being on my phone or at least having it with me. Knowing me everything is on my phone, pictures, numbers, music, and apps. I had access to all of these thing until my phone was murdered.

Courtesy of Readunwritten
It was just a normal day after school and I was with my friend eating ramen and just chilling. The next thing I know my phone is slapped out of my hand and lands into a full bowl of hot ramen. I was a little surprised and it took me a minute to realize what had happened but it was too late. My phone had already gone through hell and was cracked and pieces of glass were missing and landing in the broth was the last straw. It was pretty upsetting put me in not the best mood. Yes, I laughed pretty hard but at the same time I wanted to cry. It may seem a little extreme and all but if you were in the same position as me I bet you would feel the same way.

BOOM!! Everything is gone and I need start spending less money and food and start saving for a new phone. Scratch that I should probably spend no money because a new phone is expensive (thanks Apple). Thank god I was smart enough to keep my old phone, but it still isn't great. My old phone is also broken so I can only text. Awesome.

Anyways at the end of the day social media is the way of communication. Nothing will change that, at least for now. After thinking about it and looking at the bigger picture I am somewhat thankful that I don't have apps keeping my constantly attached to my phone. Actually talking to people and having to go out of your way in order to hang out with them is pretty cool.

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