Friday, October 9, 2015


Considering that there isn't an explantation as to what this blog is about let me explain. I'm a fourteen-year-old girl named Khaki (yes, like the pants) and I'm writing this blog for an Honors English class. I am not one of the many students who was dreading doing this blog, I actually think that it is a great idea and gives me an excuse to write. My life is as crazy as it gets and sharing my daily experiences with everyone who is reading is something I look forward to. I want to have fun and others to enjoy reading about how unpredictable and odd my life can be. There will be many different topics about almost anything and you will be able to find a little something of everything on this page. Anyways, since I am just going on and on, here is a look inside what this blog is really about.

I named this first post "Drive" because it means to move on or proceed, towards, a certain point. I thought that this was a good way to start of my blog because there is no certain point that I am aiming for. I will be writing about my experiences, goals, life tips, school, people, food, any of my thoughts or opinions, and almost any topic that you can think of. My goal is to keep my writing interesting and only write about things that people can relate to. I am going to try and not be too random and get off track on all my posts but stick to my main theme of life.

To get started I am going to talk about my opinions on blogging. I personally think that it is a really fun way to write about what you want and express your thoughts. Writing about one specific theme over and over again I think would be really hard and get boring. Hence the reason I am writing about so many topics so I can broaden the horizon for my writing. There are so many different types of writing that blogging is a way to say what you want and get to the point but in a shorter amount of text. I think that having a blog is also cool because you get to personalize it and make it look how you want.

Courtesy of me (idk why I took this)

In conclusion, looking back on what I just wrote it doesn't make perfect sense but I think that it got to the point. I can't wait to write more and share my life with everyone who decided to waist their time and read my blog. I'm really excited and pumped to see how this will turnout and hear others opinions on what I can change, improve on, and what they like about my blog.

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